Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just another day of pregnancy

Today Jeff and I made our weekly appearance at my OBGYN office. I'm 37 weeks, yesterday. I felt confident that something had happened and that I would get an exciting report. Nope, not one thing. How disappointing. I haven't dilated 1 single centimeter. The doctor of course reassured me that this is normal and that it could happen at anytime. Anytime....well I'm wanting to know what time! I'm so impatient. So again we will go back next Thursday and see if something has changed. I am praying that something will change. I have definitely started to become the angry, bitter pregnant lady! All those people sitting in the waiting area looking so happy and excited about there next upcoming 9 months. Crap! They have no idea. We will see what there expressions show when they are 37 weeks pregnant in late June. I bet they aren't so perky then. See, I'm so bitter. At least I have a little happy coming soon, a baby shower! YAY! That will lift my spirits and help time to go by a little quicker. Thursday will be here before I know it.

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