Saturday, May 23, 2009

Try Again

Sorry everyone. The you tube video was private-I'm new to all that. Try it again.

Friday, May 22, 2009

And we're off....

Ashlyn Kay is officially a walker-Scary! She started taking her first steps a week or so ago. She has gotten pretty good with her balance. I'm sure soon enough she will be running the 1/2 mile like her daddy. Olympics here we come! Ha!
Enjoy the video:

Monday, May 11, 2009

AK & Cameron

Here are pics of Ashlyn Kay & Cameron (the sweet baby girl I keep). Ashlyn Kay kept grabbing her hands and trying to get her to play patty cake and dance. It was so, so cute. Cameron seems to enjoy it, well at least she doesn't cry when ashlyn kay accidently bomps her on the head. We are working really hard on "gentle".
Just a little update on the new adventures of AK. We are now officially walking. She doesn't walk very far, maybe 5 steps, then sits down or gets so excited she topples over. She is so big now. I imagine we will be running next time I blog.

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